Head of Office Staff Assistant (OSA) Team

As the Head of the Office Staff Assistant (OSA) Team at Hwa Chong Institution Boarding School (HCIBS), I have had the opportunity to gain valuable experiences in various aspects of school administration. Since joining the team in April 2021, I have overseen the training and welfare care for the office-staff assistants. I trained five office staff assistants in office duties and student welfare, resulting in a 50% decrease in erroneous work and a 100% improvement in producing quality work. Taking care of their welfare has also led to higher job satisfaction, which is essential for maintaining a positive and productive work environment.

HCIBS OSA Team (as of 2024)

I typically handle a variety of routine administrative office staff duties. One of my key responsibilities was to sort through mail and parcels from boarders and boarding mentors, as well as to notify recipients of the arrival of their packages. Another important duty of mine was to send sick boarders to the clinic whenever necessary to ensure that they receive necessary medical care and treatment to ensure their wellbeing. Every night, I have to ensure the boarders' attendance had been submitted by the boarding mentors and made sure that all the boarders were back in the boarding school. If not, I have to call the boarders to check with them where they were and when they would be coming back. It was crucial to instill discipline to ensure that the boarders were following the rules & regulations of the boarding school. I also ensured that all the keys and cards were secured properly and prepared all items necessary for the office to be ready to open the next day with ease. Through my dedication to these duties, I was able to contribute to the smooth operation of the Hwa Chong Institution Boarding School, ensuring that all the boarders' needs were met and that they were comfortable in their living environment.

I had the chance to participate in first aid training in March 2023, which gave me crucial information on how to deliver first aid in many scenarios. During the training, I learned how to perform CPR and use AED, which can be lifesaving in emergency situations. I also discovered how to use various bandages to stop blood flow and stabilize the injured person's condition. As a result, I am now well-equipped to handle medical emergencies that may arise in the boarding school, and I can provide necessary support and assistance to the injured person. Being a certified First-Aider with a 2-year CPR-AED First Aid Certified Certificate has given me the confidence and skills to handle emergency situations effectively. Also, this training has given me a sense of accountability and readiness, ensuring that I am always prepared to act quickly when necessary. These abilities are crucial for me to lead my team in resolving medical crises as Head of OSA, ensuring a safe and secure environment for all boarders, mentors, and guests.

First Aid Training (Bandaging and Performing Fore-and-Aft Carry)

In addition, I have conducted weekly checks on the progress and quality of the Estate projects being carried out around the boarding school. Estate projects were crucial for keeping up the boarding school's infrastructure, and making sure they were of high quality was important for giving students a comfortable place to live and learn. I was able to boost the likelihood of a timely completion and successful results by 80% by making sure that contractors met the standards and quality of the project. This, in turn, had a significant impact on the overall operations of the boarding school.

External Painting Works Being Carried out for R&R

Working alongside a dynamic team of four Student Group Leaders and four Office Staffs. I coordinated and executed the planning and execution of an exclusive tour for Secondary 1 Hwa Chong students and their parents, giving them a firsthand experience of the boarding school's top-notch facilities and student rooms. We left no stone unturned in managing the students' administrative matters, ensuring a seamless tour for everyone involved. As a result a staggering 50% increase in self-financing students and a whopping 20% increase in income for the boarding school. Through this tour, we were able to provide students and parents with a glimpse into the daily operations of the boarding school and the myriad of opportunities it offers. It was truly a transformative experience that left a lasting impact on all those who participated.

I was also tasked with putting together a tour video of the boarding school's facilities and living spaces. This was a significant responsibility, as the video would serve as a marketing tool to attract international students looking for a place to stay. To ensure that the video met the school's expectations, I worked closely with the head of the boarding school, discussing ideas, and outlining what needed to be captured in the video. The video showcases the different facilities around the boarding school, including the dormitories, study areas, dining halls, recreational areas, and more. The goal was to highlight the boarding school's exceptional facilities and emphasize the quality of life that students can expect to enjoy while studying there. Currently, we are discussing the enhancement and stabilization of the video before uploading it to the boarding school's website to boost publicity and marketing. We want to ensure that the video is of the highest quality and that it accurately represents the boarding school's facilities and environment. In addition to marketing, the video can also be used to give prospective students and parents an idea of what life at HCIBS is like, allowing them to make informed decisions about their educational future. I am proud to have been involved in this project and to have contributed to the marketing efforts of Hwa Chong Institution Boarding School.

HCIBS Tour Video

Creating a productive study space is a crucial aspect of any educational institution, particularly for students who are pursuing self-directed learning. As the Head of the Office Staff Assistant (OSA) Team at the Hwa Chong Institution Boarding School (HCIBS), I recognize the significance of fostering a supportive environment that empowers students to learn and thrive. To fulfill this responsibility, I continuously monitor the attendance of students during their self-directed learning sessions (SDLS) and track down any students who might be absent from the boarding school. During SDLS, I keep a watchful eye on the students, ensuring they are actively engaged in their studies and making the most of their self-directed learning time. Creating an environment that is conducive to learning is paramount to maximizing academic progress. It is a critical aspect of my daily routine to ensure that the study space is optimized for students to concentrate and excel in their studies. Through my efforts, I aim to empower students to take ownership of their learning and achieve their academic goals.

Checking the Boarders' Attendance during SDLS

In conclusion, it has been a rewarding experience for me to lead the OSA Team at the Hwa Chong Institution Boarding School. The various responsibilities that I have undertaken have enabled me to develop essential skills in school administration, management, and leadership. These experiences have been irreplaceable, and I am appreciative of the opportunity to take on this role in the community.

Wai Yan Min Ko Ko

Hi there! I am a Mechatronics & Robotics student in Singapore Polytechnic , leading the SPISC as Membership Secretary and working part-time as Head of Office Staff Assistant Team @HCIBS. With a keen interest in Robotics, AI & IOT, I am constantly seeking new opportunities to expand my experience. If you have any internship opportunities or just want to connect, feel free to contact me!